

A secured booking represents a contract between the guest and the hotel.

In the event of cancellation Charges will be applicable as below –

  • 9 days or above in Advance                      =>   3.5% of Room Rent

  • 7 days or Less Than 9 Days in Advance => 28.5% of Room Rent

  • 5 days or Less Than 7 Days In Advance => 53.5% of Room Rent

  • 2 days or Less Than 5 Days In Advance => 78.5% of Room Rent

  • Less than 48 Hours                                   => No Refund

Note: The refundable amount will be credited within 15 Days.

Refunds will be issued in the form of credit vouchers which can be redeemed at any of the Bangalore Adi Sai Bhavan within a year of issuance.